Week of February 9, 2025
Lord's Day
Lord's Table and prophesying meeting at the hall, also children's and young people's meetings
Hall cleaning - saints with last names beginning with A - C
Prayer meetings in person and on Zoom by area
Holy word for morning revival
2/10 - 16
Living a Christian Life and Church Life under the Government of God
for the Economy of God, $5.00 each — Week 1
2/10 - 16
Read Life-Study of Matthew, Messages 51 and 52
2/10 - 16
Read God's New Testament Economy, Chapter 4
Conferences & Trainings
2/14 - 16
International Chinese-Speaking Blending Conference, Anaheim, CA
Subject: "Chapters 5 through 8 of Romans—the Kernel of the Bible"
Watch the messages and get the outlines at
3/28 - 30
Spring Southeast Blending Conference, on Zoom
“When the disciples heard the voice out of the cloud, “they fell on their face and feared exceedingly” (Matt. 17:6). After the Lord Jesus came to them, touched them, and told them to arise and not to fear, they lifted up their eyes and “saw no one except Jesus Himself alone” (v. 8). Peter proposed to rank Moses and Elijah, that is, the law and the prophets, with Christ, but God took Moses and Elijah away, leaving no one except Jesus Himself alone. The law and the prophets were shadows and prophecies, not the reality, which is Christ. Now that Christ is here, the shadows and prophecies are no longer needed. No one except Jesus Himself alone should remain in the New Testament. Jesus is today’s Moses, imparting the law of life into His believers. He is also today’s Elijah, speaking for God and speaking forth God within His believers. This is God’s New Testament economy.
God took Moses and Elijah away because He would not tolerate seeing His children rank anyone on the same level as His Son Jesus Christ. Therefore, when the disciples saw the Lord Jesus, they saw no one except Him alone. This was a lesson to them. In the kingdom God will not allow the law or the prophets to be held equal to Christ. Since the kingdom has come, there should be nothing but Christ.
In God’s economy today Christ is the living lawgiver, the One who has imparted Himself into our being as the Giver of the law of life. Thus, Christ is our real Moses, who was a type, a shadow of Christ. The law Moses gave was not the real law; rather, it was the law of dead letters. The real law is the law of life, which only Christ can give us. Because He has given us the law of life, He is the real law giver. Furthermore, in God’s economy Christ is the real prophet. Elijah also was a type, a shadow, of Christ, who is the true prophet (Acts 3:22). Christ is within us not only to impart the law of life into our being, but also to speak for God. Christ speaks forth God. Because we have Christ as the real Moses and the real Elijah, we do not need any other Moses or Elijah in God’s New Testament economy.
As we await the coming of the kingdom, we must learn not to rank Moses, Elijah, or anyone else on the same level as Christ. Instead, we need to learn to experience Christ as our Moses and Elijah. He is the One imparting the law of life into us. In other words, as our present, real, subjective Moses He is regulating us from within. Moreover, He is also our present and subjective Elijah, constantly speaking for God and speaking forth God within us. We must listen to Him.” (Life-Study of Matthew, pp. 589 - 591)